In Russia, rubber cheap ugg boots took on a political aspect under the Communist regimes. Rubber was seen as a cheap and a rubber boot manufacturing plants sprang up all over the country under Stalin’s regime. These wellies boots of rubber became the symbol of the ordinary man whereas more expensive leather was seen as capitalist. Indeed leather boots virtually disappeared from Soviet shops at one time but it re emerged to become fashionable again. It is not just the cold wet countries where rubber boots have become popular. Australasia is one continent where they are popular and in Southern Africa gum boots are very common indeed. A whole new range of communication emerged with gum boot music. Miners were forbidden to talk while working, and not allowed tribal costume at work so the boots and various items within clothing which could make sounds resulted in a whole canada goose new means of communicating in the absence of words.
Gum boot music and the dances coming from it began to impress the mine owners and dance troupes were allowed to entertain outside the confines of work. Indeed such music and dance became a tourist attraction in itself, all emanating from the humble rubber boot. Whatever the name, and whatever the continent, rubber boots have found a solid and consistent place in consumers minds whether the practical mother, the fashion conscious youngster or the cheap ugg in a whole range of industry from food production, chemicals to mines and heavy engineering. The Duke of Wellington, and his colleague Blucher could never have known what they had started and the story has not finished yet. To see our wide range of cheap north face boots and our competitive price list, please go to
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